The last notes
All English-language materials have been translated fully automatically using the Google service
on d7
$parentFilter = [
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'=IBLOCK_ID' => $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"]
'cache' => array(
'ttl' => 86400, // Время жизни кеша сутки
//'cache_joins' => true // Кешировать ли выборки с JOIN
$parentSection = \Bitrix\Iblock\SectionTable::getList($parentFilter)->fetch();
$parentSection['SECTION_PAGE_URL'] = \CIBlock::ReplaceDetailUrl($parentSection['SECTION_PAGE_URL_RAW'], $parentSection, true, 'S');
Getting the first level parent section
$connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection();
$FIRST_LEVEL_SECTION = $connection->query('SELECT bis.ID FROM b_iblock_section as bis LEFT JOIN b_iblock_section as bis2 ON bis2.ID = ' . $PARENT_ID . ' where bis.LEFT_MARGIN < bis2.LEFT_MARGIN AND bis.RIGHT_MARGIN > bis2.RIGHT_MARGIN AND bis.IBLOCK_ID = bis2.IBLOCK_ID AND bis.DEPTH_LEVEL = 1')->fetch();
'select' => ['ID', 'INNER_ID' => 'INNER_SECTION.ID'],
'filter' => [
'runtime' => [
'data_type' => \Bitrix\Iblock\SectionTable::class,
'reference' => [
'<this.LEFT_MARGIN' => 'ref.LEFT_MARGIN',
'this.IBLOCK_ID' => 'ref.IBLOCK_ID'
'join_type' => 'LEFT'
Getting all subsections of a section, including nested ones
Getting section data by its code in Bitrix
$section = \Bitrix\Iblock\SectionTable::query()
->where('IBLOCK_ID', $iblockId)
->where('CODE', 'КОД РАЗДЕЛА')
->where('ACTIVE', 'Y')
Getting a custom section property
$entity = \Bitrix\Iblock\Model\Section::compileEntityByIblock($IBLOCK_ID);
$attendant = $entity::getList(array(
"select" => array("UF_ATTENDANT", "ID", "NAME"),
"filter" => array("IBLOCK_ID" => $IBLOCK_ID, "ACTIVE" => "Y", "ID" => $intSectionID, "GLOBAL_ACTIVE" => "Y")
Get all sections to which the element is attached
'filter' => [
'select' => [
'runtime' => [
new \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Relations\Reference(
\Bitrix\Main\Entity\Query\Join::on('this.ID', 'ref.IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID')
Displaying products in the catalog.section component from several sections
First of all, and reset the values of the current binding to the sections. For example like this:
$arResult["VARIABLES"]["SECTION_CODE"] = '';
$arResult["VARIABLES"]["ID"] = '';
Add the following options to the call parameters of the component:
Pass the correct values to the filter. For example like this:
global $arrFilter;
$arrFilter['SECTION_ID'] = [35, 77];
If you did everything right and there is no additional. factors (for example, filter overrides), then your component will display products from the specified sections
Bitrix. Sort products without price to the end of the list
To do this, just specify in $arParams
or catalog
$arParams["ELEMENT_SORT_ORDER"] = "asc,nulls";