The last notes
All English-language materials have been translated fully automatically using the Google service
Typical application situation when using the CNC sotbit on the Aspro Max. When, with the bottom description filled in the sotbit rule, you need to disable the output of the standard bottom description
Lower SEO descriptions are called in \local\templates\aspro_max_updated\components\bitrix\catalog\main\page_blocks\list_elements_1.php
and similar ones in the block:
Resetting $APPLICATION->ShowViewContent
is simple. It is enough to do:
But to cancel the output of the base section description, we have to go to \bitrix\modules\aspro.max\classes\general\CMax.php
, find the function setCatalogSectionDescription
and in add the very end
Traditionally, I warn you that you do not need to change the core of the project and plugins. You do this at your own risk