Installing phpMyAdmin on a newly installed bitrixVM
Установка phpMyAdmin на вновь установленную bitrixVM

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The Bitrix environment uses its own tools for working with databases, but if you are more familiar with PhpMyAdmin , we will tell you how to install the program on the Bitrix server.

Connect to the server via SSH and exit the Bitrix menu through item 0.

Install PhpMyAdmin:

 yum install phpmyadmin -y 

Set the necessary permissions for the directory with phpMyAdmin and the directory with temporary program files:

 chown -R bitrix: bitrix / usr / share / phpMyAdmin
chown bitrix: bitrix / var / lib / phpMyAdmin / temp 

Create a link in the site directory pointing to the installed phpMyAdmin :

 ln -s / usr / share / phpMyAdmin / home / bitrix / www / phpmyadmin 

Note: if you have several separate kernel sites, and you want PMA to open from the links of each site, create a link in the directory of each site. Example:

 ln -s / usr / share / phpMyAdmin / home / bitrix / www / phpmyadmin
ln -s / usr / share / phpMyAdmin / home / bitrix / ext_www / phpmyadmin 

Let's add the secret key to the configuration file phpMyAdmin.

To do this, we will generate a 32-digit key, this can be done with an online password generator or the pwgen utility in Linux

 pwgen 32 

And add the key to the file:


to line 108:

	$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '’'

This will look like this:


Now let's move the phpMyAdmin configuration file for the Apache web server to the required directory:

 mv /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf / etc / httpd / bx / conf / 

Let's edit the transferred file with any convenient text editor.

Line 16 needs to be removed:

 Require local 

And lines 20 to 23:

 Deny from All
Allow from
Allow from :: 

And after the line:

 Directory / usr / share / phpMyAdmin / 


 php_admin_value mbstring.func_overload 0 

As a result, you should get the following configuration:


Note: With this setting, phpMyAdmin will be accessible from all IP addresses, without restrictions. Using the Apache directives, you can set the access parameters that you need.

To apply the perfect settings, restart the Apache2 web server:

 apachectl restart 

Done, phpMyAdmin on Bitrix is configured! Follow the link: 

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