Резервное копирование

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Regular automatic site backup based on bash script

The script performs regular automatic creation of a database dump at the root of the site, archiving all files and then deleting the dump from the root


# Number of days to keep copies

# Path to the folder with files for storing copy files

# Site directory name

# Database name

# Password to access the database

d=`date +%F-%H:%M:%S`
mkdir -p $backup_dir 2>/dev/null

# Deleting old copy files
find $backup_dir -name "*autobackup.tar.gz" -type f -mtime +$days -delete

# Database dump
mysqldump -h localhost -u$db_name $db_name -p"$db_pass" > $dump_name

# Archiving files
tar cvvzf "$backup_dir/YOUR_SITE_NAME-$d-autobackup.tar.gz" $site_dir --exclude=bitrix/cache --exclude=bitrix/backup

# Remove the dump from the site root
rm $dump_name

This archive can be automatically saved to Yandex disk. You can implement this by adding the command to the end of the script:

curl -T "$backup_dir/YOUR_SITE_NAME-$d-autobackup.tar.gz" -u"YANDEX_USER_LOGIN:YANDEX_USER_PASSWORD"

Save the script in any folder on your account with the extension .sh and give the file execution permissions with the following command:

chmod u+x

Add this file to the crowns with a command like this

*/1 * */14 * * /bin/bash ~/

The solution is provided "as is". Use it at your own risk

Automatic site backup to Yandex.Disk

Original solution here

For automatic copying, install an unofficial client from Anton Batenev

git clone
sudo cp ydcmd/ /usr/local/bin/ydcmd
yum install python-dateutil

Getting a token for working through the API

ydcmd token

A link will be sent as a response, by clicking on which you will receive a confirmation code. To get a token, copy the received code and run like this:


Create a .ydcmd.cfg file in the user folder with 0400 rights and content

token = РАНЕЕ-ПОЛУЧЕННЫЙ-OAuth token-
verbose = yes

It remains only to add the cron command

10 1 * * * root /usr/local/bin/ydcmd put --rsync /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/backup disk:/YANDEX_DISK_ACCOUNT_EMAIL

Manual unpacking of a multi-volume Bitrix backup

If the Bitrix archive was compressed without using encryption, then it can be unpacked. To do this, you will need to change the extensions of all parts of the archive

.tar.gz to .tar.gz.001 for the first file

.tar.gz.1 to .tar.gz.002 
.tar.gz.2 to .tar.gz.003 etc. for everyone else

You can then unpack it like a normal multi-volume archive.


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