The last notes
All English-language materials have been translated fully automatically using the Google service
Getting the list of groups
$ result = \ Bitrix \ Main \ GroupTable :: getList (array (
'select' => array ('NAME', 'ID', 'STRING_ID', 'C_SORT'), // Name, identifier, character code, sorting
'filter' => array ('! ID' => '1') // Get all groups except the admin group
while ($ arGroup = $ result-> fetch ()) {
// Process the result
Getting the list of active user groups
global $ USER;
\ Bitrix \ Main \ UserTable :: getUserGroupIds ($ USER-> GetID ());
or so
$ result = \ Bitrix \ Main \ UserGroupTable :: getList (array (
'filter' => array ('USER_ID' => $ USER-> GetID (), 'GROUP.ACTIVE' => 'Y'),
'select' => array ('GROUP_ID', 'GROUP_CODE' => 'GROUP.STRING_ID'), // select the group ID and group symbolic code
'order' => array ('GROUP.C_SORT' => 'ASC'), // sort according to group sort
while ($ arGroup = $ result-> fetch ()) {
// Process the result
Getting the list of active users in the group
$ result = \ Bitrix \ Main \ UserGroupTable :: getList (array (
'filter' => array ('GROUP_ID' => 5, 'USER.ACTIVE' => 'Y'),
'select' => array ('USER_ID', 'NAME' => 'USER.NAME', 'LAST_NAME' => 'USER.LAST_NAME'), // select the username, first and last name
'order' => array ('USER.ID' => 'DESC'), // sort by user ID
while ($ arGroup = $ result-> fetch ()) {
// Process the result
Add user to group
\ Bitrix \ Main \ UserGroupTable :: add (array (
"GROUP_ID" => 5,
Remove user from group
\ Bitrix \ Main \ UserGroupTable :: delete (array (
"GROUP_ID" => 5,
Check if the user belongs to groups
CSite :: InGroup (array (4,5))
Get a user by ID
$ dbUser = \ Bitrix \ Main \ UserTable :: getList (array (
'select' => array ('ID', 'NAME', 'PERSONAL_PHOTO', 'PERSONAL_WWW'),
'filter' => array ('ID' => $ USER-> GetID ())
if ($ arUser = $ dbUser-> fetch ()) {
print_r ($ arUser);
Get user ID by EMAIL
// D7
use Bitrix \ Main \ UserTable;
$ user = UserTable :: getList ([
'select' => array ('ID'),
'filter' => array ('EMAIL' => 'user @ mail')
]) -> fetch ();
echo $ user ['ID'];
// old
$ cUser = $ USER :: GetList (
$ by = "ID",
$ order = "desc",
array (
'EMAIL' => 'user @ mail'
array (
'SELECT' => array ('ID')
) -> fetch ();
echo $ cUser ['ID'];