The last notes
All English-language materials have been translated fully automatically using the Google service
Sending letters to D7 in Bitrix
Sending a simple message on the "USER_INFO" mail event for the site "s1" on a schedule:
\ Bitrix \ Main \ Mail \ Event :: send (array (
"LID" => "s1",
"C_FIELDS" => array (
"EMAIL" => "",
"USER_ID" => 235
Sending a simple message on the "USER_INFO" mail event for site "s1" (instant):
\ Bitrix \ Main \ Mail \ Event :: sendImmediate (array (
"LID" => "s1",
"C_FIELDS" => array (
"EMAIL" => "",
"USER_ID" => 235
Instant email sending a file sent to the server as an attachment:
$ fileId = false;
if ($ _ FILES ['file'])
$ fileId = \ CFile :: SaveFile ($ _ FILES ['file'], "mailatt");
\ Bitrix \ Main \ Mail \ Event :: sendImmediate (array (// or send
"LID" => "s2",
"C_FIELDS" => array (
"EMAIL" => $ arCompany ["PROPERTIES"] ["EMAIL"] ["VALUE"],
"COMPANY_NAME" => $ arCompany ["NAME"],
"MESSAGE" => $ request-> getPost ("MESSAGE"),
"USER_NAME" => $ USER-> GetFullName (),
"USER_EMAIL" => $ USER-> GetEmail (),
"FILE" => array ($ fileId), // must be saved first, from the documentation for CEvent :: send: Array of file ids that are used by the CFile class. Alternatively, you can pass an array of absolute paths to files.
if ($ fileId)
CFile :: Delete ($ fileId);
is an analogue of the \ Bitrix \ Main \ Mail \ Event
functions in the old kernel. The call is very similar:
$ arEventFields = array (
"MESSAGE" => $ mess,
"EMAIL_TO" => implode (",", $ EMAIL_TO),
"ADMIN_EMAIL" => implode (",", $ ADMIN_EMAIL),
"ADD_EMAIL" => implode (",", $ ADD_EMAIL),
"STAT_EMAIL" => implode (",", $ VIEW_EMAIL),
"EDIT_EMAIL" => implode (",", $ EDIT_EMAIL),
"OWNER_EMAIL" => implode (",", $ OWNER_EMAIL),
"BCC" => implode (",", $ BCC),
"INDICATOR" => GetMessage ("AD _". Strtoupper ($ arContract ["LAMP"]. "_ CONTRACT_STATUS")),
"ACTIVE" => $ arContract ["ACTIVE"],
"NAME" => $ arContract ["NAME"],
"DESCRIPTION" => $ description,
"MAX_SHOW_COUNT" => $ arContract ["MAX_SHOW_COUNT"],
"SHOW_COUNT" => $ arContract ["SHOW_COUNT"],
"MAX_CLICK_COUNT" => $ arContract ["MAX_CLICK_COUNT"],
"CLICK_COUNT" => $ arContract ["CLICK_COUNT"],
"BANNERS" => $ arContract ["BANNER_COUNT"],
"DATE_SHOW_FROM" => $ arContract ["DATE_SHOW_FROM"],
"DATE_SHOW_TO" => $ arContract ["DATE_SHOW_TO"],
"DATE_CREATE" => $ arContract ["DATE_CREATE"],
"DATE_MODIFY" => $ arContract ["DATE_MODIFY"],
$ arrSITE = CAdvContract :: GetSiteArray ($ CONTRACT_ID);
CEvent :: Send ("ADV_CONTRACT_INFO", $ arrSITE, $ arEventFields);
It should be noted that SendImmediate
immediately sends a message and does not enter information about it in the database.
A Send
adds a message to the queue and adds information about the event to the database.
Sending emails in Bitrix via PHPMailer
What to do if the mail is set up, emails go away, but do not reach the recipient, or end up in spam? The situation is very common, and therefore deserves a separate solution.
Let's assume that you are already familiar with composer
, you have your own smtp
server (Mail for Domain services from Yandex or are suitable), on DKIM, spf, etc. records are configured on the domain of the mail from which the sending is made
First of all, install PHPMailer
Go to /local/php_interface/init.php
and add the function
use Bitrix \ Main \ Application;
use PHPMailer \ PHPMailer \ PHPMailer;
use PHPMailer \ PHPMailer \ SMTP;
use PHPMailer \ PHPMailer \ Exception;
// Intercept the generation of a mail event with the possibility of canceling it
AddEventHandler ("main", "OnBeforeEventAdd", array ("OnBeforeEventAddClass", "OnBeforeEventAddHandler"));
class OnBeforeEventAddClass {
function OnBeforeEventAddHandler (& $ event, & $ lid, & $ arFields, & $ message_id, & $ files) {
// Load Composer's autoloader
require $ _SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/ vendor / autoload.php';
// Get the database connection
$ connection = Bitrix \ Main \ Application :: getConnection ('default');
// Get the email template
$ recordset = $ connection-> query ("select SUBJECT, MESSAGE, MESSAGE_PHP from b_event_message where ACTIVE = 'Y' AND EVENT_NAME = '". $ event. "'") -> fetchAll ();
// Check if there is at least one template
if (isset ($ recordset [0] ['MESSAGE'])) {
$ mask = $ recordset [0] ['MESSAGE'];
$ subject = $ recordset [0] ['SUBJECT'];
$ fields = $ arFields;
// Go through the fields and replace all the patterns that we find
foreach ($ fields as $ key => $ value) {
// Exclude arrays and symbols from replacement ~
if (! is_array ($ value) && strpos ($ key, '~') === false) {
// Replace all possible patterns
$ mask = preg_replace ('~ \ #'. $ key. '\ # ~', $ value, $ mask);
$ subject = preg_replace ('~ \ #'. $ key. '\ # ~', $ value, $ subject);
$ mask = preg_replace ('~ \ #SITE_NAME \ # ~', 'Site name', $ mask);
$ mask = preg_replace ('~ \ #SERVER_NAME \ # ~', 'Site Domain', $ mask);
$ mask = preg_replace ('~ \ #DEFAULT_EMAIL_FROM \ # ~', 'The address of the mail sent from', $ mask);
$ subject = preg_replace ('~ \ #SITE_NAME \ # ~', 'Site name', $ subject);
$ subject = preg_replace ('~ \ #SERVER_NAME \ # ~', 'Site Domain', $ subject);
if ($ mask) {
// Check a possible list of mail fields
// These fields are unique for one of my projects
if (isset ($ fields ['RS_USER_EMAIL'])) {
if (filter_var ($ fields ['RS_USER_EMAIL'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$ email = $ fields ['RS_USER_EMAIL'];
if (isset ($ fields ['EMAIL'])) {
if (filter_var ($ fields ['EMAIL'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$ email = $ fields ['EMAIL'];
if (isset ($ fields ['EMAIL_TO'])) {
if (filter_var ($ fields ['EMAIL_TO'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$ email = $ fields ['EMAIL_TO'];
// If there is mail and the validator gives the go-ahead
if ($ email && filter_var ($ email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$ cl = new OnBeforeEventAddClass;
// Send the letter
if ($ cl-> custom_mail ($ email, $ subject, $ mask, '', ''))
AddMessage2Log ($ event .'- The message was sent ', "messages");
AddMessage2Log ($ event .'- Error. No message was sent ', "messages");
} else {
AddMessage2Log ($ event .'- Error. Mail not found. Mail: '. $ Fields [' EMAIL_RAW '], "messages");
return false;
} else {
AddMessage2Log ($ event .'- Error. No message body ', "messages");
} else {
AddMessage2Log ($ event .'- Error. Message template not found ', "messages");
public function custom_mail ($ to, $ subject, $ message, $ additionalHeaders = '', $ additional_parameters)
// Instantiation and passing `true` enables exceptions
$ mail = new PHPMailer (true);
// error logging (0 - do not output)
$ mail-> SMTPDebug = 0;
$ mail-> CharSet = 'UTF-8';
$ mail-> isSMTP (); // Set mailer to use SMTP
// $ mail-> Host = ''; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers
$ mail-> Host = 'ssl: //'; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers
$ mail-> SMTPAuth = true; // Enable SMTP authentication
$ mail-> Username = 'zakaz @ YOUR_DOMAIN'; // SMTP username
$ mail-> Password = 'PASSWORD'; // SMTP password
$ mail-> SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; // Enable TLS encryption, `ssl` also accepted
// $ mail-> Port = 25; // port to connect to
$ mail-> Port = 465; // port to connect to
$ d_message = '';
$ from = 'zakaz @ YOUR_DOMAIN';
$ d_message. = '$ from -'. $ from. ' +++ '; $ d_message. = '$ to -'. $ to. ' +++ ';
$ d_message. = '$ subject -'. $ subject. ' +++ ';
$ d_message. = '$ message -'. $ message. ' +++ ';
$ mail-> setFrom ($ from, 'Site name');
$ mail-> addAddress ($ to, ''); // Add a recipient
$ mail-> addReplyTo ($ from, '');
//$mail->addCC(' ');
$ mail-> AddBCC ($ from);
// $ mail-> addAttachment ('/ var / tmp / file.tar.gz'); // Add attachments
// $ mail-> addAttachment ('/ tmp / image.jpg', 'new.jpg'); // Optional name
$ mail-> Subject = $ subject;
if ($ message! = strip_tags ($ message)) {
$ mail-> isHTML (true);
$ mail-> Body = $ message;
// $ mail-> AltBody = 'This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients';
// log_message
$ addLOG = 'To:'. $ to.PHP_EOL. 'Subject:'. $ Subject.PHP_EOL. 'Message:'. $ Message.PHP_EOL. 'Headers:'. $ AdditionalHeaders.PHP_EOL. 'Params:'. $ Additional_parameters.PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents ($ _ SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/ test / emailLog.txt', $ addLOG);
if (! $ mail-> send ()) {
// log error
file_put_contents ($ _ SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/ test / emailLog.txt', 'Mailer Error:'. $ d_message. ''. $ mail-> ErrorInfo);
return false;
} else {
return true;
is used for debugging, on production projects can be thrown out.
Thus, we receive all generated letters before sending them, receive a letter template, replace all the constants in it, fill in and send using PHPMailer
tools, and cancel the Bitrix mail event. In general, what was required.
No problems with the code or load were identified on projects with up to 10k visitors per day.
Materials used: