The last notes
All English-language materials have been translated fully automatically using the Google service
To form a cache on the site and cut preview images, sometimes the task is set to bypass all the pages of the site. The easiest way to do this is in two ways: with your own script or using third-party software
$ domainName = '';
$ iblockIds = [2,];
$ pageNum = 20;
define ('NO_KEEP_STATISTIC', true);
define ('NOT_CHECK_PERMISSIONS', true);
define ('CHK_EVENT', true);
require ($ _ SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_before.php');
@set_time_limit (0);
@ignore_user_abort (true);
if (\ Bitrix \ Main \ Loader :: includeModule ('iblock')) {
$ urls = array ();
foreach ($ iblockIds as $ iblockId) {
$ sectionIterator = CIBlockSection :: GetList (
array (),
array (
'IBLOCK_ID' => $ iblockId,
'ACTIVE' => 'Y',
array (
'CNT_ACTIVE' => 'Y',
while ($ section = $ sectionIterator-> GetNext ()) {
for ($ i = 1, $ count = ceil ($ section ['ELEMENT_CNT'] / $ pageNum); $ i <= $ count; $ i ++) {
$ urls [] = sprintf ('% s? PAGEN_1 =% d', $ domainName. $ section ['SECTION_PAGE_URL'], $ i);
$ elementIterator = CIBlockElement :: GetList (
array (),
array (
'IBLOCK_ID' => $ iblockId,
'ACTIVE' => 'Y',
array (
while ($ element = $ elementIterator-> GetNext ()) {
$ urls [] = $ domainName. $ element ['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'];
foreach ($ urls as $ url) {
@file_get_contents ($ url);
@file_put_contents ($ _ SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/import.log', $ url. "\ n", FILE_APPEND);
An example of running a php script from the console:
php -f /var/www/ &
Before I came across this script, and now I also use the program SiteAnalyser a >, which not only automatically crawls all pages, but also generates any useful information for thought
ghjhg jgh jhg j?>
Reprint of material: