"Show more" button in Bitrix
The last notes
All English-language materials have been translated fully automatically using the Google service
First, let's create a system.pagenavigation
template (if it doesn't exist) in your site template. In my case the path is like /local/templates/main/components/bitrix/system.pagenavigation
Let's copy the default template and name it showMore
Replace the code in the template.php
if (! defined ("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED! == true) die ();
$ this -> createFrame () -> begin ("Loading navigation");
<? if ($ arResult ["NavPageCount"]> 1):?>
<? if ($ arResult ["NavPageNomer"] + 1 <= $ arResult ["nEndPage"]):?>
$ plus = $ arResult ["NavPageNomer"] + 1;
$ url = $ arResult ["sUrlPathParams"]. "PAGEN _". $ ArResult ["NavNum"]. "=". $ Plus;
<div class = "load_more" data-url = "<? = $ url?>">
show more
<? else:?>
<div class = "load_more">
Loaded all
<? endif?>
Replace styles in style.css
.load_more {margin: 10px; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #ddd; cursor: pointer; text-align: center;}
Add the script.js
file and write:
$ (document) .ready (function () {
$ (document) .on ('click', '.load_more', function () {
var targetContainer = $ ('. news-list'), // Container that stores items
url = $ ('. load_more'). attr ('data-url'); // URL from which we will take elements
if (url! == undefined) {
$ .ajax ({
type: 'GET',
url: url,
dataType: 'html',
success: function (data) {
// Remove the old navigation
$ ('. load_more'). remove ();
var elements = $ (data) .find ('. news-item'), // Looking for elements
pagination = $ (data) .find ('. load_more'); // Looking for navigation
targetContainer.append (elements); // Add posts to the end of the container
targetContainer.append (pagination); // add navigation next
Create a new news list template and replace the code in the template.php
file with:
<? if (! defined ("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED! == true) die ();
$ this-> setFrameMode (true);
<div class = "news-list">
<? foreach ($ arResult ["ITEMS"] as $ arItem):?>
$ this-> AddEditAction ($ arItem ['ID'], $ arItem ['EDIT_LINK'], CIBlock :: GetArrayByID ($ arItem ["IBLOCK_ID"], "ELEMENT_EDIT"));
$ this-> AddDeleteAction ($ arItem ['ID'], $ arItem ['DELETE_LINK'], CIBlock :: GetArrayByID ($ arItem ["IBLOCK_ID"], "ELEMENT_DELETE"), array ("CONFIRM" => GetMessage (' CT_BNL_ELEMENT_DELETE_CONFIRM ')));
<div id = "<? = $ this-> GetEditAreaId ($ arItem ['ID']);?>" class = "news-item">
<a href="<?=$arItem ["DETAIL_PAGE_URL""">?> ">
<h2><?=$arItem ["NAME">?> </h2>
<? = CFile :: ShowImage ($ arItem ['PREVIEW_PICTURE'])?>
<? = $ arItem ['PREVIEW_TEXT']?>
<? endforeach;?>
<?=$arResult ['NAV_STRING'>]
On the required page, place the bitrix: news.list component and configure it for the required infoblock. Select showMore as the component template (if you did everything correctly, it should appear in the list), and showMore as the page navigation template.
Reprint of material: