The last notes
All English-language materials have been translated fully automatically using the Google service
First, go to /bitrix/admin/composite.php?lang=en
and open the Settings
item. These settings will be enough:

Turn on logging
define ("BX_COMPOSITE_DEBUG", true);
define ("LOG_FILENAME", $ _SERVER ["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]. "/ log.txt");
Dynamic content outside of a component, for example in a template
\Bitrix\Main\Page\Frame::getInstance()->finishDynamicWithID("dynamic-area", "Загрузка...");
Dynamic buffered content
$frame = new \Bitrix\Main\Page\FrameHelper("dynamic-area");
//динамический контент
Dynamic area with browser cache. Load statics from the last hit
$ frame = $this->createFrame('dynamic-area')->begin('');
$ frame-> setBrowserStorage (true);
// Content
$ frame-> end ();
Dynamic area with spawn animation
$ frame = $this->createFrame('dynamic-area')->begin('');
$ frame-> setAnimation (true);
// Content
$ frame-> end ();
Partial component caching. For example, when showing the current price
$frame = $this->createFrame('price-index', false)->begin()
echo $price;
echo 'руб.';
Disable Composite Caching
Removing Composite Cache via API
$staticHtmlCache = \Bitrix\Main\Data\StaticHtmlCache::getInstance();
Composite and Region Dependent Content
In the init.php file, override the method that generates the file name in the composite cache.
class CacheProvider extends Bitrix\Main\Data\StaticCacheProvider
public static function createKey()
global $USER;
$page_name = "page";
$page_name .= "_region_".$_SESSION["CITY_ID"];
return $page_name;
public function setUserPrivateKey(){}
public function isCacheable()
return true;
public function getCachePrivateKey()
return self::createKey();
public function onBeforeEndBufferContent(){}
In the city definition component (for example articul.geolocation.detect_ip / component.php
) write the cookie BITRIX_SM_PK
setcookie("BITRIX_SM_PK", 'page_region_'.$_SESSION["CITY_ID"], $cookie_life, "/", constant("COOKIE_DOMAIN"));
In the file /local/php_interface/composite_first_start_cookie_fix.php
we write the cookie BITRIX_SM_PK
so that the composite will also work out on the first visit (we include this file BEFORE header. php
on composite pages):
Original solution here
Worth reading: