The last notes
All English-language materials have been translated fully automatically using the Google service
I describe the solution to the problem of transferring images from one site to another. Provided that in both cases the CODE
sections match, and for sections on the source site that do not have an image specified, you need to get it from any product with an image included in the section.
Getting a list of sections with images in json
require_once ($ _ SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/ bitrix / modules / main / include / prolog_before.php');
if (! CModule :: IncludeModule ("catalog")) {die ();}
$ arFilter = [
'IBLOCK_ID' => 17,
'IBLOCK_TYPE' => '1c_catalog',
// 'ACTIVE' => 'Y'
$ arSelect = [
// Get a list of information block sections
$ sections = CIBlockSection :: GetTreeList ($ arFilter, $ arSelect);
while ($ ar_dep = $ sections-> GetNext ())
if (! empty ($ ar_dep ['PICTURE']) ||! empty ($ ar_dep ['DETAIL_PICTURE'])) {
// If the section has an image
$ result [$ ar_dep ['CODE']] = $ ar_dep;
$ img = $ ar_dep ['PICTURE']? $ ar_dep ['PICTURE']: $ ar_dep ['DETAIL_PICTURE'];
$ result [$ ar_dep ['CODE']] ['SRC'] = CFile :: GetPath ($ img);
} else {
We get the last product in the right section
$ elementIterator = \ Bitrix \ Iblock \ ElementTable :: getList ([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'= IBLOCK_ID' => 17,
'= IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => $ ar_dep ['ID'],
'= ACTIVE' => 'Y',
'! = DETAIL_PICTURE' => '',
'order' => ['ID' => 'DESC'], // sorting
'limit' => 1,
$ elems = $ elementIterator-> fetchAll ();
// If a product is found in the section, then write the src of images
foreach ($ elems as $ element) {
$ result [$ ar_dep ['CODE']] = $ ar_dep;
$ img = $ element ['DETAIL_PICTURE']? $ element ['DETAIL_PICTURE']: $ element ['PREVIEW_PICTURE'];
$ result [$ ar_dep ['CODE']] ['SRC'] = CFile :: GetPath ($ img);
$ result [$ ar_dep ['CODE']] ['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] = $ element ['CODE'];
// If src is not found
if (! isset ($ result [$ ar_dep ['CODE']] ['SRC'])) {
// We are looking for the first available product included in this section or any subsection of this section
$ rsResult = CIBlockElement :: GetList (
array ("SORT" => "ASC"),
array (
"ACTIVE" => "Y",
"IBLOCK_ID" => 17,
"SECTION_ID" => $ ar_dep ['ID'],
$ arNavStartParams = Array ("nTopCount" => 1),
while ($ obElement = $ rsResult-> GetNext ()) {
$ result [$ ar_dep ['CODE']] = $ obElement;
$ img = $ obElement ['DETAIL_PICTURE']? $ obElement ['DETAIL_PICTURE']: $ obElement ['PREVIEW_PICTURE'];
$ result [$ ar_dep ['CODE']] ['SRC'] = CFile :: GetPath ($ img);
$ result [$ ar_dep ['CODE']] ['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] = $ obElement ['CODE'];
// Function for correcting the encoding of the received data
// If json_encode doesn't work
function safe_json_encode ($ value, $ options = 0, $ depth = 512) {
$ encoded = json_encode ($ value, $ options, $ depth);
switch (json_last_error ()) {
return $ encoded;
return 'Maximum stack depth exceeded'; // or trigger_error () or throw new Exception ()
return 'Underflow or the modes mismatch'; // or trigger_error () or throw new Exception ()
return 'Unexpected control character found';
return 'Syntax error, malformed JSON'; // or trigger_error () or throw new Exception ()
$ clean = utf8ize ($ value);
return safe_json_encode ($ clean, $ options, $ depth);
return 'Unknown error'; // or trigger_error () or throw new Exception ()
function utf8ize ($ mixed) {
if (is_array ($ mixed)) {
foreach ($ mixed as $ key => $ value) {
$ mixed [$ key] = utf8ize ($ value);
} else if (is_string ($ mixed)) {
return utf8_encode ($ mixed);
return $ mixed;
echo safe_json_encode ($ result);
Updating the found matching code
require_once ($ _ SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/ bitrix / modules / main / include / prolog_before.php');
$ arTotal = array ();
$ url = 'Path to file c searched';
$ postdata = array ();
$ post = http_build_query ($ postdata);
$ ch = curl_init ($ url);
curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $ post);
$ response = curl_exec ($ ch);
curl_close ($ ch);
// Convert std to array
$ response = json_decode ($ response, True);
$ arTotal ['Sections received'] = count ($ response);
if (! CModule :: IncludeModule ("iblock")) {die ();}
$ IDS = $ KEYS = $ ERRORS = array ();
foreach ($ response as $ key => $ value) {
$ IDS [$ key] ['SRC'] = $ value ['SRC'];
array_push ($ KEYS, $ key);
$ arFilter = Array ('IBLOCK_TYPE' => '1c_catalog', 'IBLOCK_ID' => 22, 'GLOBAL_ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'CODE' => $ KEYS);
$ db_list = CIBlockSection :: GetList (Array ($ by => $ order), $ arFilter, true);
$ i = $ obnovleno = $ neobnovleno = 0;
while ($ ar_result = $ db_list-> GetNext ()) {
$ src = 'SERVER_ADRESS'. $ IDS [$ ar_result ['CODE']] ['SRC'];
$ arFile = CFile :: MakeFileArray ($ src);
$ arPICTURE = $ arFile;
$ arPICTURE ["MODULE_ID"] = "iblock";
$ bs = new CIBlockSection;
$ arFields = Array (
$ res = $ bs-> Update ($ ar_result ['ID'], $ arFields, false, false, true);
if ($ res) {
$ obnovleno ++;
} else {
$ neobnovleno ++;
array_push ($ ERRORS, $ res-> LAST_ERROR);
$ i ++;
$ arTotal ['Found sections on new site'] = $ i;
$ arTotal ['Updated sections on the new site'] = $ obnovleno;
$ arTotal ['Error updating sections on the new site'] = $ neobnovleno;
$ arTotal ['List of Errors'] = $ ERRORS;