Битрикс: Автоматическая конвертация в webP и вывод изображений в шаблоне сайта

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Cross-browser webp usage

Not all safari versions support the webp format at this time. But there is a cross-browser way to use webp

<picture class = "b_426">
<source srcset = "<? = getWebP ($ from)?> 1x, <? = getWebP ($ fromRetina)?> 2x" type = "image / webp">
<source srcset = "<? = $ from?> 1x, <? = $ fromRetina?> 2x" type = "image / jpeg">
<img title = "<? = $ name?>" src = "<? = getWebP ($ small)?>">

How to determine in php that the browser supports webp

But we can use a simpler method. It is somewhat simpler because it allows you to use webp as a background image

/* Checking webp support */
global $WEBP;
if( strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'image/webp' ) !== false || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], ' Chrome/' ) !== false )
	$WEBP = true; // webp supported
	$WEBP = false; // webp is not supported

A simple, pain-free way to convert jpg => webp

 function getWebP ($ src) {// Determine whether to add union to the bulk request
    if (! $ src) {
        return false;

    $ source = $ _SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. $ src;
    $ destination = $ source. '.webp';

    if (! file_exists ($ destination)) {
        // Maximum, the photo is blurry
        // exec ("cwebp -q 0". $ from. "-o". $ to. "");

        // Normal, good quality with serious compression
        // cwebp -q 80 source.png -o destination.webp
        exec ("convert -colorspace RGB". $ src. "". $ destination. "");
        $ src = $ src. '. webp';
    } else {
        $ src = $ src. '. webp';

    return $ src;

$ from = "1.jpg";
$ to = "1.jpg.webp"; 

If the conversion does not take place, then you need to install the utility libwebp

either yourself or through the hoster
 // CentOS 6
sudo apt-get install webp

// CentOS 7
sudo yum install libwebp-tools 

Bash to automatically convert files to webp in the directory

 #! / bin / bash

# converting JPEG images
find $ 1 -type f -and \ (-iname "* .jpg" -o -iname "* .jpeg" \) \
-exec bash -c '
webp_path = $ (sed 's /\. 47,4.►*$/. webp /' <<< "$ 0");
if [! -f "$ webp_path"]; then
  cwebp -quiet -q 90 "$ 0" -o "$ webp_path";
fi; ' {} \;

# converting PNG images
find $ 1 -type f -and -iname "* .png" \
-exec bash -c '
webp_path = $ (sed 's /\. 47,4.►*$/. webp /' <<< "$ 0");
if [! -f "$ webp_path"]; then
  cwebp -quiet -lossless "$ 0" -o "$ webp_path";
fi; ' {} \; 

Bash script taken from here

You can also take libwebp from here

Installing Server Libraries ImageMagickk

Install Development Tools

 yum groupinstall "Development Tools" -y 

Install php-pear, php-devel and gcc packages to compile imagick PHP extension

 yum install php-pear php-devel gcc 

Install ImageMagick

 yum install ImageMagick
yum install ImageMagick-devel
pecl install Imagick 

If all is well, then you will see something like the following:

 Installing '/usr/include/php/ext/imagick/php_imagick_shared.h'
Installing '/usr/lib64/php/modules/'
install ok: channel: //
configuration option "php_ini" is not set to php.ini location
You should add "extension =" to php.ini 

You can check the success of the installation like this:

 convert --version 

Turn on the imagick extension in php.ini

; When the extension library to load is not located in the default extension
; directory, You may specify an absolute path to the library file:
; extension = / path / to / extension /
; Note: The syntax used in previous PHP versions ('extension = <ext> .so' and
; 'extension =' php_ <ext> .dll ') is supported for legacy reasons and may be
; deprecated in a future PHP major version. So, when it is possible, please
; move to the new ('extension = <ext>) syntax.
extension =

We can restart apache , we can not do it (it worked for me and so)

 systemctl reload httpd 

Related article Install ImageMagick in Centos7 < / a>

Installing system libraries

We put the composer through ssh

 php -r "copy ('', 'composer-setup.php');"
php -r "if (hash_file ('sha384', 'composer-setup.php') === 'e0012edf3e80b6978849f5eff0d4b4e4c79ff1609dd1e613307e16318854d24ae64f26 corruptd17af3ef010bf7cfb5cfb setup; setup; php ');} echo PHP_EOL; "
php composer-setup.php
php -r "unlink ('composer-setup.php');" 

Install the WebP Convert library. You can find it here

 composer require rosell-dk / webp-convert 

We use it in Bitrix

In init.php add

require($_SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'>] .'/local/libs/init/webP.php');

Listing of file webP.php

 require_once ($ _SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/ vendor / autoload.php');

use WebPConvert \ WebPConvert;
use WebPConvert \ Convert \ Converters \ Stack;
class aWebP
    public function __construct () {


    public function getWebP ($ src) {// Determine whether to add union to the bulk request
        if (! $ src) {
            return false;

        $ source = $ _SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. $ src;
        $ destination = $ source. '.webp';

        $ options = [
            'fail' => 'original', // If failure, serve the original image (source). Other options include 'throw', '404' and 'report'
            // 'show-report' => true, // Generates a report instead of serving an image
            'serve-image' => [
                'headers' => [
                    'cache-control' => true,
                    'vary-accept' => true,
                    // other headers can be toggled ...
                'cache-control-header' => 'max-age = 2',
            'converters' => [
                'cwebp', 'vips', 'imagick', 'gmagick', 'imagemagick', 'graphicsmagick', 'wpc', 'ewww', 'gd'

        if (! file_exists ($ destination)) {
            WebPConvert :: convert ($ source, $ destination, $ options);
            $ src = $ src. '. webp';
        } else {
            $ src = $ src. '. webp';

        return $ src;

Use in template

 $ aWebP = new aWebP;
echo $ aWebP-> getWebP ($ imgUrl); 

Conversion options do not work in this case. You will not be able to choose the image quality (I failed, you may succeed).

Using automatic settings will save on average 30-60% on an uncompressed image, 5-15% on a compressed and optimized image via the Bitrix API


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