The last notes
All English-language materials have been translated fully automatically using the Google service
On assignment, I had to leave only the "Store" tab in the admin area, and in it "Orders" for a specific group of users.
In the php.init
file, add the OnBuildGlobalMenu
AddEventHandler("main", "OnBuildGlobalMenu", "MyOnBuildGlobalMenu");
function MyOnBuildGlobalMenu(&$aGlobalMenu, &$aModuleMenu)
global $USER;
if (CSite::InGroup([6])) {
$destroy = ["global_menu_desktop", "global_menu_content", "global_menu_landing", "global_menu_marketing", "global_menu_settings", "global_menu_marketplace", "global_menu_services", "global_menu_statistics"];
foreach ($aModuleMenu as $k => $v) {
/* Disable all submenus in orders */
if ($v['parent_menu'] == 'global_menu_store')
if (in_array($v['parent_menu'], $destroy) || $v['text'] == 'Покупатели') {
This is not enough, because the link "Go to Bitrix24" will remain in the left menu, and next to the orders "Product catalog"
Create admin_header.php
file in php_interface
and add
global $adminMenu;
//Hide the button "Go to Bitrix24"
foreach ($adminMenu->aGlobalMenu['global_menu_store']['items'] as $k => $v){
if($v['title'] != 'Список заказов'){
//Hide bread crumbs and a menu with a product catalog in the "Orders" submenu
#main_navchain {display: none}
.adm-detail-toolbar > a {display: none}
In orders, the user will still be able to go to the editing of the product, but I did not need to change it. If you know how to do this, then write)
Do not forget to set the access settings to the required user group in the "Access" tab
Main module: Change your profile
Online store: Order processing
Other access can be closed
You can also assign access to the corresponding order statuses in Store> Store settings> Statuses
The page looks like this:

Worth reading: