Generic javascript functions
The last notes
All English-language materials have been translated fully automatically using the Google service
In every project there is a need to check the data in javascript. Most often I use the following checks
Url check
if (/ ^ (http | https | ftp): \ / \ / [a-z0-9] + ([\ - \.] {1} [a-z0-9] +) * \. [az] {2,5} (: [0-9] {1,5})? (\ /.*)? $ / i.test ($ ("# url"). val ())) {
console.log ("valid URL");
} else {
console.log ("invalid URL");
Email verification
var reg_email = /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ UsingâzA-Z0-9_\.-.....2,45 * \. [a-zA- Z] {2.20} $ /;
if (reg_email.test (YOUR_VALUE)) {
// Check passed
Checking a mobile phone in international format
var reg_phone = / ^ (\ s *)? (\ +)? ([- _ (): = +]? \ d [- _ (): = +]?) {10,14 } (\ s *)? $ /;
if (reg_phone.test (YOUR_VALUE)) {
// Check passed
Verifying credit card number
var cc = / [0-9] {4} {0,1} [0-9] {4} {0,1} [0-9] {4} {0,1} [ 0-9] {4} /;
if (cc.test (YOUR_VALUE)) {
// Check passed
Check credit card date
var cdate = /^\d {2} {./- }\d {2} }$/;
if (cdate.test (YOUR_VALUE)) {
// Check passed
Credit card cvc verification
var cvc = / ^ [0-9] {3,4} $ /;
if (cvc.test (YOUR_VALUE)) {
// Check passed
Check for existence
var isset = function (variable) {
return typeof (variable)! == "undefined" && variable! == null && variable! == '';
Checking for Json
function isJson (str) {
try {
JSON.parse (str);
} catch (e) {
return false;
return true;
Checking the existence of an element with a class
if (document.querySelector ('. mydivclass')! == null) {
// Element found
Checking if an element is in an array
var blockedTile = new Array ("118", "67", "190", "43", "135", "520");
if (blockedTile.indexOf ("118")! = -1)
// Element found
Tests for touch devices
function is_touch_device () {
try {
document.createEvent ("TouchEvent");
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
function is_touch_device () {
return 'ontouchstart' in window;
function is_touch_device () {
return 'ontouchstart' in window // works on most browsers
|| 'onmsgesturechange' in window; // works on IE10 with some false positives
function is_touch_device () {
return 'ontouchstart' in window // works on most browsers
|| navigator.maxTouchPoints; // works on IE10 / 11 and Surface
function is_touch_device () {
var prefixes = '-webkit- -moz- -o- -ms-' .split ('');
var mq = function (query) {
return window.matchMedia (query) .matches;
if (('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) {
return true;
var query = ['(', prefixes.join ('touch-enabled), ('), 'heartz', ')']. join ('');
return mq (query);
function isMobile () {
var a = navigator.userAgent;
if (/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge | maemo | midp | mmp | mobile. + firefox | netfront | opera m (ob | in) i | palm (os)? | phone | p (ixi | re) \ / | plucker | pocket | psp | series (4 | 6) 0 | symbian | treo | up \. (Browser | link) | vodafone | wap | windows ce | xda | xiino / i.test (a) || / 1207 | 6310 | 6590 | 3gso | 4thp | 50 [1-6 ] i | 770s | 802s | a wa | abac | ac (er | oo | s \ -) | ai (ko | rn) | al (av | ca | co) | amoi | an (ex | ny | yw) | aptu | ar (ch | go) | as (te | us) | attw | au (di | \ -m | r | s) | avan | be (ck | ll | nq) | bi (lb | rd) | bl (ac | az) | br (e | v) w | bumb | bw \ - (n | u) | c55 \ / | capi | ccwa | cdm \ - | cell | chtm | cldc | cmd \ - | co (mp | nd) | craw | da (it | ll | ng) | dbte | dc \ -s | devi | dica | dmob | do (c | p) o | ds (12 | \ -d) | el (49 | ai ) | em (l2 | ul) | er (ic | k0) | esl8 | ez ([4-7] 0 | os | wa | ze) | fetc | fly (\ - | _) | g1 u | g560 | gene | gf \ -5 | g \ -mo | go (\. w | od) | gr (ad | un) | haie | hcit | hd \ - (m | p | t) | hei \ - | hi (pt | ta) | hp (i | ip) | hs \ -c | ht (c (\ - | | _ | a | g | p | s | t) | tp) | hu (aw | tc) | i \ - ( 20 | go | ma) | i230 | iac (| \ - | \ /) | ibro | idea | ig01 | ikom | im1k | inno | ipaq | iris | ja (t | v) a | jbro | jemu | jigs | kddi | keji | kgt (| \ /) | klon | kpt | kwc \ - | kyo (c | k) | le (no | xi) | lg (g | \ / (k | l | u) | 50 | 54 | \ - [aw]) | libw | lynx | m1 \ -w | m3ga | m50 \ / | ma (te | ui | xo) | mc (01 | 21 | ca) | m \ -cr | me (rc | ri) | mi (o8 | oa | ts) | mmef | mo (01 | 02 | bi | de | do | t (\ - | | o | v) | zz) | mt (50 | p1 | v) | mwbp | mywa | n10 [0-2] | n20 [2-3] | n30 (0 | 2) | n50 (0 | 2 | 5 ) | n7 (0 (0 | 1) | 10) | ne ((c | m) \ - | on | tf | wf | wg | wt) | nok (6 | i) | nzph | o2im | op (ti | wv) | oran | owg1 | p800 | pan (a | d | t) | pdxg | pg (13 | \ - ([1-8] | c)) | phil | pire | pl (ay | uc) | pn \ -2 | po (ck | rt | se) | prox | psio | pt \ -g | qa \ -a | qc (07 | 12 | 21 | 32 | 60 | \ - [2-7] | i \ -) | qtek | r380 | r600 | raks | rim9 | ro (ve | zo) | s55 \ / | sa (ge | ma | mm | ms | ny | va) | sc (01 | h \ - | oo | p \ - ) | sdk \ / | se (c (\ - | 0 | 1) | 47 | mc | nd | ri) | sgh \ - | shar | sie (\ - | m) | sk \ -0 | sl (45 | id) | sm (al | ar | b3 | it | t5) | so (ft | ny) | sp (01 | h \ - | v \ - | v) | sy (01 | mb) | t2 (18 | 50 ) | t6 (00 | 10 | 18) | ta (gt | lk) | tcl \ - | tdg \ - | tel (i | m) | tim \ - | t \ -mo | to (pl | sh) | ts (70 | m \ - | m3 | m5) | tx \ -9 | up (\. B | g1 | si) | utst | v400 | v750 | veri | vi (rg | te) | vk (40 | 5 [0 -3] | \ -v) | vm40 | voda | vulc | vx (52 | 53 | 60 | 61 | 70 | 80 | 81 | 83 | 85 | 98) | w3c (\ - |) | webc | whit | wi (g | nc | nw) | wmlb | wonu | x700 | yas \ - | your | zeto | zte \ - / i.test (a.substr (0, 4))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Screen resolution check
if (window.matchMedia ("(max-width: 768px)"))
// Check passed
Check file for existence within one domain
function fileExists (url) {
if (url) {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest (); ('GET', url, false);
req.send ();
return req.status == 200;
} else {
return false;
Check if the page is inside an iframe
var isFramed = false;
try {
isFramed = window! = || document! = top.document || self.location! = top.location;
} catch (e) {
isFramed = true;
if (isFramed) {
alert ('The page is loaded in an iframe');
} else {
alert ('The page is loaded not in the iframe');
Trim the line
console.log ("13:45 PM" .split ('') [0]); // Split by space, take first part
console.log ("13:45 PM" .match (/ \ d? \ d: \ d \ d /) [0]); // match by regular expression
console.log ("13:45 PM" .substr (0, 5)); // 5 characters starting from 0
console.log ("13:45 PM" .substring (0, 5)); // copy by indices [0: 5)
console.log ("13:45 PM" .replace (/ \ s. * /, '')); // replace the space and everything else with an empty string
console.log ("13:45 PM" .slice (0, -3)); // slice without the last three characters
ToggleClass in javascript native
function toggleClass (element, className) {
if (! element ||! className) {
var classString = element.className, nameIndex = classString.indexOf (className);
if (nameIndex == -1) {
classString + = '' + className;
else {
classString = classString.substr (0, nameIndex) + classString.substr (nameIndex + className.length);
element.className = classString;
Determine that the element is visible. Taken from here
// Get the desired element
var element = document.querySelector ('# target');
var Visible = function (target) {
// All positions of the element
var targetPosition = {
top: window.pageYOffset + target.getBoundingClientRect (). top,
left: window.pageXOffset + target.getBoundingClientRect (). left,
right: window.pageXOffset + target.getBoundingClientRect (). right,
bottom: window.pageYOffset + target.getBoundingClientRect (). bottom
// Get the position of the window
windowPosition = {
top: window.pageYOffset,
left: window.pageXOffset,
right: window.pageXOffset + document.documentElement.clientWidth,
bottom: window.pageYOffset + document.documentElement.clientHeight
if (targetPosition.bottom> && // If the position of the bottom of the element is greater than the position of the top of the window, then the element is visible from above windowPosition.left && // If the position of the right side of the element is greater than the position of the left side of the window, then the element is visible to the left
Check if the element is fully visible. Taken from from here
function is_fully_shown (target) {
var wt = $ (window) .scrollTop ();
var wh = $ (window) .height ();
var eh = $ (target) .height ();
var et = $ (target) .offset (). top;
if (et> = wt && et + eh <= wh + wt) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if (is_fully_shown ('. active')) {
console.log (true);
Add all input values to the array
var phones = [];
$ ('. aOffer'). each (function () {
if ($ (this) .val ()! == '') {
phones.push ($ (this) .val ());
Scroll to top on javascript
window.scrollTo ({
top: document.getElementById ('payments'). getBoundingClientRect (). top + pageYOffset,
behavior: "smooth"
Javascript number_format php function analog - from here
function number_format (number, decimals, dec_point, thousands_sep) {
// + original by: Jonas Raoni Soares Silva (
// + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// + bugfix by: Michael White (
// + bugfix by: Benjamin Lupton
// + bugfix by: Allan Jensen (
// + revised by: Jonas Raoni Soares Silva (
// + bugfix by: Howard Yeend
// + revised by: Luke Smith (
// + bugfix by: Diogo Resende
// + bugfix by: Rival
// + input by: Kheang Hok Chin (
// + improved by: davook
// + improved by: Brett Zamir (
// + input by: Jay Klehr
// + improved by: Brett Zamir (
// + input by: Amir Habibi (
// + bugfix by: Brett Zamir (
// + improved by: Theriault
// + improved by: Drew Noakes
// * example 1: number_format (1234.56);
// * returns 1: '1,235'
// * example 2: number_format (1234.56, 2, ',', '');
// * returns 2: '1 234.56'
// * example 3: number_format (1234.5678, 2, '.', '');
// * returns 3: '1234.57'
// * example 4: number_format (67, 2, ',', '.');
// * returns 4: '67, 00 '
// * example 5: number_format (1000);
// * returns 5: '1,000'
// * example 6: number_format (67.311, 2);
// * returns 6: '67 .31 '
// * example 7: number_format (1000.55, 1);
// * returns 7: '1,000.6'
// * example 8: number_format (67000, 5, ',', '.');
// * returns 8: '67 .000,00000 '
// * example 9: number_format (0.9, 0);
// * returns 9: '1'
// * example 10: number_format ('1.20', 2);
// * returns 10: '1.20'
// * example 11: number_format ('1.20', 4);
// * returns 11: '1.2000'
// * example 12: number_format ('1.2000', 3);
// * returns 12: '1.200'
var n =! isFinite (+ number)? 0: + number,
prec =! isFinite (+ decimals)? 0: Math.abs (decimals),
sep = (typeof thousands_sep === 'undefined')? ',': thousands_sep,
dec = (typeof dec_point === 'undefined')? '.' : dec_point,
toFixedFix = function (n, prec) {
// Fix for IE parseFloat (0.55) .toFixed (0) = 0;
var k = Math.pow (10, prec);
return Math.round (n * k) / k;
s = (prec? toFixedFix (n, prec): Math.round (n)). toString (). split ('.');
if (s [0] .length> 3) {
s [0] = s [0] .replace (/ \ B (? = (?: \ d {3}) + (?! \ d)) / g, sep);
if ((s [1] || '') .length ' + (actual === expected? 'Passed': 'FAILED') + ', got "' + actual + '", expected "' + expected + '".');
exampleNumber ++;
test ('1,235', 1234.56);
test ('1 234.56', 1234.56, 2, ',', '');
test ('1234.57', 1234.5678, 2, '.', '');
test ('67, 00 ', 67, 2,', ','. ');
test ('1,000', 1000);
test ('67 .31 ', 67.311, 2);
test ('1,000.6', 1000.55, 1);
test ('67 .000,00000 ', 67000, 5,', ','. ');
test ('1', 0.9, 0);
test ('1.20', '1.20', 2);
test ('1.2000', '1.20', 4);
test ('1.200', '1.2000', 3);
Tooltips with HTML code
You can use an unlimited number of hints, hints are well displayed in both desktop and mobile versions. Written in pure javascript and reasonably fast.
analogs of the FadeIn
and FadeIn
functions to javascript
function fadeIn (el) {
let opacity = 0.01,
fadeEl = document.querySelector (el);
if (fadeEl && isHidden (fadeEl)) { = opacity; = "block";
var timer = setInterval (function () {
if (opacity> = 1) {
clearInterval (timer);
} = opacity;
opacity + = opacity * 0.1;
}, ten);
function fadeOut (el) {
let opacity = 1,
fadeOutEl = document.querySelector (el);
if (fadeOutEl) { = "block";
var timer = setInterval (function () {
if (opacity <= 0.01) {
clearInterval (timer); = "none";
} = opacity;
opacity - = opacity * 0.1;
}, ten);
function isHidden (el) {
return (el.offsetParent === null)
remove ()
to javascript
HTMLElement.prototype.remove = function () {this.parentNode.removeChild (this); return this; }
Javascript scrollToTop function
var scrollToTop = window.setInterval(function() {
var pos = window.pageYOffset;
if ( pos > 0 ) {
window.scrollTo( 0, pos - 20 ); // how far to scroll on each step
} else {
window.clearInterval( scrollToTop );
}, 10); // how fast to scroll (this equals roughly 60 fps)