How to make an application run continuously in Node.js, including strapi
Как на Node.js заставить приложение работать постоянно, в том числе strapi

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Developing projects on strapi for a long time I could not figure out how to make the application work on the server all the time. Including thought that you need to keep the SSH console running. Everything turned out to be much easier. It is enough to install and use one of two applications: forever or pm2


pm2 is a Node.js process manager with built-in load balancer


  npm install pm2 -g  

Launch Application

  pm2 start app.js  

Running the application as a process

  pm2 start ./bin/www --name = "app"  

List of running applications

  pm2 list  

Stop application

  pm2 stop 0  

Stop all

  pm2 stop all  

Restart all

  pm2 restart all  


  pm2 logs ['all' | app_name | app_id]  

You can try one of the following commands to run strapi

  pm2 start /home/bitrix/ext_www/ --name = "npm run develop"
NODE_ENV = development pm2 start strapi --no-pmx --name = "site" - start
NODE_ENV = development pm2 start strapi --no-pmx --name = site - start  



  npm install -g forever  

Launch Application

  forever app.js  

Running the application as a service

  forever start app.js  

Limit the number of application restarts. For example in case of failure

  forever -m7 app.js  

List of running applications

  forever list  

Stop the process, where the number in brackets is the process id from the forever list

  forever stop 1  

Restart application

  forever restart 1  

Restart application on any file change

  forever -w app.js  

To run strapi you can try the command

  forever start -c "npm start" /home/bitrix/ext_www/  


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